Create a promotional video -
maximum impact,
minimal time investment
Get authentic UGC videos optimized for your social media ads from over 20,000 Creators from various industries starting at £200.
Your Benefits of UGC Videos
UGC videos create trust and promote the loyalty of your target group.
Time saving
Creators apply for your orders and create content for you and your customers in just a few days.
High performance
UGC promotional videos convert 4x better on social media than studio quality videos.
Thousands of creators
Over 20,000 creators from various industries can apply for your jobs.
Affordable content creation
Save costs and time when sourcing content for your customers.
Intuitive management
Keep track of your customers' orders with the help of our campaign manager.
Versatile - UGC videos from stylink UGC
Authentic user-generated videos are ideal for advertising on all of your brand's social media channels. Whether video ads for TikTok, Instagram, YouTube or for the website.
Qualified UGC Creator
Your order goes online for 20,000 creators. All of them have been checked in advance by our team for quality and reliability. Choose the right faces for your company from the applicants.
It's that easy!
Register your brand with stylink UGC.
Create order
Create an order and create the briefing for the creators.
Choose creator
Choose the right creator and send your product.
Receive UGC video
Receive the finished UGC promotional video and use it for your advertising campaigns.
UGC Ads compared
to traditional advertising
The reason why our UGC ads work so much better than traditional advertising.
lower CPC*
higher ROAS**
higher conversion rate
*Costs per Click
**Return on Ad Spending
Frequently Asked Questions
Let our experts advise you free of charge.